Cash Out

Around the time Gotti came out, the magic that John Travolta had dried up. We on 3BG hated that movie but we highly praised John's performance, to me it was one of his best. Too bad the movie was a Taco Bell toilet mess. Since then Travolta has just been missing layups and throwing up airballs. Yes the slow heat death of Travolta's acting career is sad but a lot of us have seen it coming. Direct to Video will either give you gem performances/movies and the other is Bruce Willis for the last 12 years. Now maybe Travolta just hasn't found the right wheelhouse. He's 70, weird, and was never the action star he thought he was. So maybe more subdued roles. A role he can show off his charm and flex his acting ability. Nothing too heavy but given a chance, the right script could work. Unfortunately, the movie I'm reviewing wasn't like that.

Cash Out is a heist movie, Travolta leads a team of robbers and they pull off intermediate-level GTA-style heist. Travolta plays Mason, a professional thief who retired from the game. His brother, who was a part of his former gang, wants to do one more big heist. Mason says no but shadows his brother anyway and sees that he's in over his head. When the robbery goes down the stakes are raised and the feds get involved. Lucky for them, it's Mason's ex-lover that's the FBI negotiator. That short relief turns on its head when they find out who they have been robbing.

So a few things, this movie is obnoxious as hell, and it's corny as hell too! The acting in this low effort. Everyone is kinda bad and bland but Travolta, but even he's not great in it. The bald look post 50's doesn't hit like it used to. Quavo is in this. He's corny too so there's that. Noel G is in it AND THEY NAMED HIM HECTOR! At least they didn't fumble that. Kristen Davis is paying off a student loan so I can't hate her in this. Other than that, this movie just happens. The action is bland and cheap. The ending is predictable. I know this is VOD but it's still bad.

3 out of 10



